Eu facebook poland facebookmorris | Warsaw – Facebook, Warsaw, Poland. 104237 likes · 3893 talking about this · 1508 were here. Welcome to’s Facebook page managed by the Ministry of…

European Commission – Facebook

Representing the interests of the EU as a whole. Here posts the Social Media Team. True… … the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Poland and. Lithuania.

FUEN – Federal Union of European Nationalities – Facebook

Reynders concerning the shrinking educational rights of the German minority in Poland. “In the field of education, the EU may only help

Lawsuit Against Facebook for Violation of Personality Rights

Lawsuit Against Facebook for Violation of Personality Rights – News From Poland – EAPIL

17.10.2022 — Both parties have their seats in EU Member States, the claimant conducts its business activity in Poland, thus the center of its interests …

Społeczna Inicjatywa Narkopolityki – SIN (Civil Society Drug Policy Initiative) is a A Polish association that conducts educational activities on the consequences of drugs use. In 2018 SIN’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were removed as “in violation of Community Standards”. In May 2019 SIN filed a lawsuit against Facebook (namely, Facebook Ireland Limited seated in Ireland,…

Facebook hit by landmark censorship lawsuit in Poland

06.05.2019 — A Polish NGO has filed a lawsuit against US-based social media giant Facebook, following concerns that the organisation’s freedom of speech …

Facebook Baseline Report on Implementation of the Code of …

Microsoft Word – Facebook Baseline Report on Implementation of the Code of Practice on Disinformation.docx

This report provides an overview of Facebook’s approach to implementing the EU Code of. Practice on Disinformation, including details of our relevant …

The potential of Facebook advertising data for understanding …

The potential of Facebook advertising data for understanding flows of people from Ukraine to the European Union | EPJ Data Science | Full Text

von U Minora · 2022 · Zitiert von: 1 — We then compare our results with data on refugees in EU countries … in all the European Union (EU) countries, with Poland registering the …

This work contributes to the discussion on how innovative data can support a fast crisis response. We use operational data from Facebook to gain useful insights on where people fleeing Ukraine following the Russian invasion are likely to be displaced, focusing on the European Union. In this context, it is extremely important to anticipate where these people are moving so that local and national authorities can better manage challenges related to their reception and integration. By means of the audience estimates provided by Facebook advertising platform, we analyse the flows of people fleeing Ukraine towards the European Union. At the fifth week since the beginning of the war, our results indicate an increase in the number of Ukrainian stocks derived from Ukrainian-speaking Facebook user estimates in all the European Union (EU) countries, with Poland registering the highest percentage share (33%) of the overall increase, followed by Germany (17%), and Czechia (15%). We assess the reliability of prewar Facebook estimates by comparison with official statistics on the Ukrainian diaspora, finding a strong correlation between the two data sources (Pearson’s $r=0.9$ , $p<0.0001$ ). We then compare our results with data on refugees in EU countries bordering Ukraine reported by the UNHCR, and we observe a similarity in their trend. In conclusion, we show how Facebook advertising data could offer timely insights on international mobility during crises, supporting initiatives aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to the displaced people, as well as local and national authorities to better manage their reception and integration.

Facebook with Telus International opens new office in Gdańsk

Facebook with Telus International opens new office in Gdańsk | Property Forum | News

30.09.2021 — News Article Facebook Gdańsk office Poland Telus International … IT environment conferences in Central and Eastern Europe has its offices, …

The social media giant has opened its operations centre in Olivia Centre in Oliwa district of Gdańsk. In the first phase, 80 places were created, and by 2023 the team will expand to 500 people. The branch will support companies from the SME sector with their promotional campaigns on Facebook and related applications.

Keywords: eu facebook poland facebookmorris