Web.xml login-config

web.xml Deployment Descriptor Elements

Use the optional login-config element to configure how the user is authenticated; the realm name that should be used for this application; and the attributes …

BEA WebLogic Server Release 7.0 Documentation :: Assembling and Configuring Web Applications

– Metawerx Java Wiki

. This tag defines the authorisation methods for the application, as well as any attributes required for BASIC or FORM-based authentication.

Wiki focussed on server-side Java technologies including web.xml Configuring the web.xml

Before configuring your application as an Identity Provider you need to add some configurations to your web.xml. Let’s start by defining a security-constraint …

Configuring a custom form login page – IBM

You can configure individual applications to direct users to a specific form login page by configuring the web.xml file that is packaged with the …

web.xml config basic authentication – Discover gists · GitHub

web.xml config basic authentication. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, … web-config-auth.xml … Login page is free to access.

How i convert login-config in web.xml to java class?

According to JSR-315 Servlet 3.0 Specification : Ch13.6.3 (pg132),. The only way to configure form-based authentication is by using …

Kerbv5 (SSO)

As long as your web session is valid, this ticket will always be supplied to the … BASIC …

2.5.2. Servlet Authentication – JOnAS

2.5.2. Servlet Authentication

In the web.xml of the web application a basic authentication or a Form based authentication … BASIC …

Authentication mit Java EE 8 | Informatik Aktuell

13.03.2019 — Listing 1: Konfiguration der Authentifizierungsmethode in der web.xml. FORM …

Mit der Security API 1.0 erhielt Java EE 8 eine neue Möglichkeit der Implementierung von Authentifizierungsmethoden. Der Artikel stellt die Möglichkeiten vor und zeigt eine exemplarische Realisierung.

Keywords: web.xml login-config